3605. kol
Lexical Summary
kol: the whole, all
Original Word: כֹּל
Transliteration: kol
Phonetic Spelling: (kole)
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Short Definition: the whole, all
Meaning: the whole, all, any, every
Strong's Concordance
in all manner, ye, altogether, any manner, enough, every one, place, thing,

Or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from kalal; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense) -- (in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

see HEBREW kalal


H3605. kol

כֹּל‎ once כּוֺל‎ (Jeremiah 33:8 Kt.), noun masculine the whole, all (Moabite, Phoenician, id.; Aramaic כּוֺל‎, ; Arabic ; Sabean כל‎, compare DHMEpigr. Denk. 36-38; Ethiopic Assyrian kullatu) — absolute כֹּל‎, construct כֹּלGenesis 2:5, 16, 20 +?כֹּלֿPsalm 138:2 (see Ba), but more usually כָּלֿ‎ (with makk.: without it, 35:10; Proverbs 19:7; Köi. 84, 95); suffix 2 masculine singular in p. כֻּלָּךְMicah 2:12; 2feminine singular כֻּלֵּךְIsaiah 14:29, 31, כֻּלָּךְ22:1; Song of Solomon 4:7 (perhaps for assonance with accompanying בָּךְ לָךְ,‎); 3 masculine singular כֻּלֹּה2 Samuel 2:9 (see Dr) + 17 t. (never in Pentateuch), כֻּלּוֺGenesis 25:25 16t.; 3 feminine singular כֻּלָּהּ13:10 15t., כֻּלָּאEzekiel 36:5; כֻּלָּנּו‎ (16 t.); כֻּלְּכֶם‎ (18 t.); כֻּלָּם‎ (often), כּוּלָּםJeremiah 31:34, כֻּלָּ֑הַם2 Samuel 23:6 (and probably Jeremiah 15:10 כֻּלְּהֶם‎); 3 feminine plural כֻּלָּ֫נָהGenesis 42:36; Proverbs 31:29; כֻּלָּֽהְנָה׃1 Kings 7:37: — the whole,

1 with following Genitive (as usually) the whole of, to be rendered, however, often in our idiom, to avoid stiffness, all or every:

a. Genesis 2:2 כָּלצְֿבָאָםthe whole of their host, 2:13 כּוּשׁ כָּלאֶֿרֶץthe whole of the land of Kush; כָּלהַֿלַּיְלָהthe whole of the night; כָּליִֿשְׂרָאֵלthe whole of Israel = all Israel; Deuteronomy 4:29 בְּכָללְֿבָֽבְךָ‎ with the whole of thy heart = with all thy heart; + very often With a plural noun, usually determined by the article or a Genitive: Genesis 5:5 אדם כליֿמיthe whole of (= all) the days of Adam, 37:35 כלבֿניוthe whole of (= all) his sons, Isaiah 2:2 כלהֿגויםall the nations; Genesis 43:9 +?הימים כל‎ = continually. In poetry, however, the noun may remain undetermined, כָּליָֿדַיִםthe whole of hands = every hand, Isaiah 13:7; Jeremiah 48:37; Ezekiel 21:12; כלפֿנים‎ i.e. every face Isaiah 25:8; Joel 2:6; שׁלחנות כלIsaiah 28:8; חוצות כל51:20; Lamentations 2:19 and elsewhere Before an infinitive Genesis 30:41; Deuteronomy 4:7; 1 Kings 8:52; 1 Chronicles 23:31. frequently with suffixes, as כֻּלּוֺ (כֻּלֹּה)the whole of him Genesis 25:25; Job 21:23; Song of Solomon 5:16, the whole of it Leviticus 13:13; Jeremiah 2:21; Nahum 2:1; Proverbs 24:31; כֻּלָּהּthe whole of it Genesis 13:10; Exodus 19:18; 25:36; Amos 8:8; כֻּלָּךְall of thee Song of Solomon 4:7 + (see at the beginning); כֻּלָּנוּthe whole of us Genesis 42:11; Deuteronomy 5:3; Isaiah 53:6 (twice in verse); כֻּלְּכֶםDeuteronomy 1:22; 4:4; 1 Samuel 22:7 (twice in verse); כֻּלָּםGenesis 11:6; 43:34; Joshua 8:24 כֻּלָּם ויפלו‎, Judges 11:6 כֻּלָּם בְּיַד‎, Isaiah 7:19; 31:3 + often — Twice, strangely, with hyperb. intensive force, Psalm 39:6 כָּלהֶֿבֶלthe whole of vanity are all men (? omit כל‎, as 39:12), 45:14 כָּלכְּֿבוּדָּהthe whole of gloriousness is the king's daughter.

b. followed often by a singular, to be understood collectively, whether with or without the article: Genesis 1:21 החיה נפשׁ כל אתthe whole of living souls = every living soul, 2:9 למראה נחמד עץ כלthe whole of trees (every kind of tree) pleasant to view, 6:12 + כָּלבָּֿשָׂר‎, 7:14 כנף כל צפור כלall birds of every kind of wing (so Ezekiel 17:23), 17:21 האדם כל‎ the whole of mankind (so Numbers 12:3; 16:29; Judges 16:17 and elsewhere); in poetry כלאֿדםPsalm 39:6; 64:10 +; 1 Samuel 14:52 וכלבֿןחֿיל גבור אישׁ כל‎, 17:19, 24 ישׂראל אישׁ כל‎, 22:2; Isaiah 9:16 פה כלthe whole of mouths = every mouth, 15:2; 24:10 כָּלבַּֿיִת‎ + often (in 2:12-16 the singular and plural interchange); Psalm 7:12 + בכליֿום‎, 10:5 + בכלעֿת‎ = at all seasons. So כלהֿעץGenesis 1:29, כלהֿבןExodus 1:22 = all the sons, כלהֿמקום20:24; Deuteronomy 11:24 = all the places, כלהֿמרכבLeviticus 15:9, 15:26; Deuteronomy 4:3 אשׁר כלהֿאישׁ‎ = all the men who. . ., 15:19 כלהֿבכור‎, Jeremiah 4:29 עזובה כלהֿעירall the cities (notice the following בָּהֶן‎); כלהֿיום‎ = all the days (see יוֺם7f), etc. In late Hebrew extended to such phrases as וָדוֺר בְּכָלדּֿוֺר‎ Psalm 45:18; Psalm 145:13; Esther 9:28; ועיר בכלעֿיר2 Chronicles 11:12; 28:25; 31:19; Esther 8:11, 17; 9:28; 2 Chronicles 32:28; Esther 2:11; 3:14; 4:3; 8:13, 17; 9:21, 27, 28 (3 t. in verse) (compare וְ1i b).

c. the Genitive after כל‎ is often a relative sentence, introduced by אשׁר‎: Genesis 1:31 עשׂה אשׁר כל אתthe whole of what he had made, 7:22; 13:1 + very often Sts., with a preposition, אשׁר כל‎ has the force of wheresover, whithersoever, as Joshua 1:7 תֵּלֵךְ אֲשֶׁר בְּכֹלwheresoever thou goest, 1:16 אֶלכָּֿלאֲֿשֶׁרwhithersoever (see אֲשֶׁר4b γ). Very rarely in such cases is there ellipse of the rel., as Genesis 39:4 בְּיָדִי נָתַן וְכָליֶֿשׁלֿוֺ‎ (contrast 39:5; 39:8), Exodus 9:4 ישׂראל מכללֿבני‎, Isaiah 38:16 רוּחִי חַיֵּי וּלְכָּלבָּֿהֶן‎, Psalm 71:18 לְכָליָֿבוֺא‎ (74:3, see 2a), 2 Chronicles 32:31; peculiarly also in Chronicles (DrIntr 505), 1 Chronicles 29:3 מִכָּלהֲֿכִינוֺתִי‎, 2 Chronicles 30:18f.; Ezra 1:6; compare with כֹּל‎ (2a) 1 Chronicles 29:11 a 2 Chronicles 30:17; Ezra 1:5.

d. with a suffix two idiomatic uses of כל‎ have to be noticed: (a) כל‎ is often made more independent and emphatic by being placed with a suffix after the word which it qualifies, to which it then stands in apposition (compare in Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic), as 2 Samuel 2:9 כֻּלּהֹ יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, Jeremiah 13:19; 48:31; Isaiah 9:8; 14:29, 31 כלך פלשׁת‎ Philistia, all of thee ! Micah 2:12; Habakkuk 2:6; Job 34:13; Psalm 67:4; 67:6; especially in Ezekiel, as Ezekiel 14:5; 29:2 כֻּלָּהּ מצרים32:12, 30; with change of person (compare the idiom in Isaiah 22:16; 48:1; 54:1 etc.), 1 Kings 22:28 = Micah 1:2 כלם עמים שׁמעו‎ Hear, nations, all of them ! Malachi 3:9 כֻּלּוֺ הַגּוֺי‎. So even with כל‎ preceding: Numbers 16:3 כֻּלָּם כָּלהָֿעֵדָה‎, Isaiah 14:18; Jeremiah 30:16; Ezekiel 11:15 כֻּלֹּה ישׂראל בית כלthe whole of the house of Israel, the whole of it (so 20:40; 36:10), 35:15; 36:5; Psalm 8:8 (compare Sabean DHMl.c.); (b) with the suffix of 3 masculine singular, understood as referring to the mass of things or persons meant, כֻּלֹּה‎ or כֻּלּוֺ‎, literally the whole of it, is equivalent to all of them, every one, Exodus 14:7 and captains עַלכֻּֿלּוֺ‎ upon the whole of it (the רֶכֶב‎ collectively) = all of them, Isaiah 1:23 the whole of it (the people) loveth bribes, 9:16; 15:3; Jeremiah 6:13 (twice in verse); 8:6, 10 (twice in verse); 20:7; Habakkuk 1:9, 15; Psalm 29:9 and in his temple כָּבוֺד אֹמֵר כֻּלּוֺthe whole of it (= every one there) says, Glory ! 53:4 ("" 14:3 הַכֹּל‎); perhaps Isaiah 16:7; Jeremiah 48:38; + Proverbs 19:6 Ew Hi (רֵעַ וְכֻלּהֹ‎): Jeremiah 15:10 read קִלֲלוּנִי כֻּלְּהֶם‎.

e. Hebrew idiom in certain cases affirms, or denies, of an entire class, where English idiom affirms, or denies, of an individual of the class; thus in a comparative or hypothetical sentence כל‎ is = any, and with a negative = none: (a) Genesis 3:1 the serpent was more subtil השׂדה חית מכל‎ than all beasts of the field (in our idiom: than any beast of the field), Deuteronomy 7:7; 1 Samuel 9:2; (b) Leviticus 4:2 a soul when it sins through ignorance יי֞ מצות מכל‎ in all the commandments of Jehovah (= in any of the commandments, etc.), 19:23 when ye . . . plant מאכל כלעֿץ‎ = any tree for food, Numbers 35:22 or if he have cast upon him כָּלכְּֿלִי‎ = any weapon, 1 Kings 8:37 b; joined with a participle in a hypothetical sense (Dr§ 121 n. Ges§ 116. 5 R. 5), Genesis 4:14 מצאי כלall my finders (= if any one find me), he will slay me, 4:15 a Numbers 21:8 כָּלהַֿנָּשׁוּךְ‎ = whosoever (= if any one) is bitten, 1 Samuel 2:13; (c) with a negative, Genesis 2:5 all plants of the field יִהְיֶה טֶרֶם‎ were not as yet = no plant of the field as yet was, 4:15 b כלמֿצאו הכותאֿתו לבלתי‎ for the not-smiting him of all finding him = that none finding him should smite him, Exodus 10:15 ירק כל ולאנֿותר‎ = and no green things were left, 12:16 יעשׂה לא כלמֿלאכהall work shall not be done = no work shall be done, Deuteronomy 28:14; Judges 13:4 כָּלטָֿמֵא אַלתּֿאֹכְלִי‎ eat not of all that is unclean, 19:19 כָּלדָּֿבָר מַחְסוֺר אֵין‎ there is no lack of all things i.e. of any thing, Psalm 143:2 כלחֿי לפניך לאיֿצדק כי‎, + very often (so οὐ πᾶς, as a Hebraism, in the N.T., e.g. Mark 13:20 οὐκ ἂν ἐσώθη πᾶσα σάρξ, Luke 1:37 οὐκ ἀδυνατήσει . . . πᾶν ρἧμα, as Jeremiah 32:17 כָּלדָּֿבָר מִמְּךָ לֹאיִֿמָּלֵא‎, Galatians 2:16 οὐ δικαιωθήσεται . . . πᾶσα σάρξ, etc.) Usually, in such cases, כל‎ (or its Genitive) is without the article, being left purposely indefinite: in Psalm 49:18 (2b a) הַכֹּל‎ is emphatic (in Numbers 23:13 תִרְאֶה לֹא וְכֻלּוֺ‎ the context shews that כֹּל‎ is opposed to a part). feminine very anomalously, severed from its Genitive, 2 Samuel 1:9 בִי נַפְשִׁי כִּיכָֿלעֿוֺד‎, Job 27:3 בִי נִשְׁמָתִי כִּיכָֿלעֿוֺד‎, Hosea 14:3 (si vera lectio) עָוֺן כָּלתִּֿשָּׂא‎. On Ecclesiastes 5:15 ׳כָּלעֻֿמַּתשֶֿׂ‎ see עֻמָּה‎.

Note. — When the Genitive after כל‎ is a noun feminine or plural, the predicate usually agrees with this (as being the really important idea), e.g. Genesis 5:5 אדם ימי כל ויהיו‎, Numbers 14:1 כָלהָֿעֵדָה וַתִּשָּׂא‎, Nahum 3:1; Psalm 150:6 תְּהַלֵּל הַנְּשָׁמָה כָֹּל‎ exceptions being very rare, Isaiah 64:10b Proverbs 16:2 (Ges§ 141. 1 R. 2).

2 Absolutely:

a. without the article, all things, all (mostly neuter, but sometimes masculine), the sense in which 'all' is to be taken being gathered from the context, Genesis 9:3 כֹּל את לכם נתתי‎, 16:12 בּוֺ כֹּל וְיַד‎, 20:16 ונוכחת כֹּל ואת‎, 33:11 כֹל לי ישׁ וכי‎, Numbers 8:16 ישׂראל מבני כֹּל בכור‎, 11:6 כֹּל אֵיןnought of all things ! = there is nothing (so 2 Samuel 12:3; Proverbs 13:7, compare 2 Kings 4:2), 13:2 בהם נשׂיא כֹּ֖ל‎ (compare 2 Samuel 23:28; 1 Chronicles 3:9: usually so הַכֹּל‎), Deuteronomy 28:47 כֹּל מֵרֹב‎, 28:48; 28:37 כֹּל בְּחֹסֶר‎ (compare Jeremiah 44:18), Isaiah 30:5 הֹבִאישׁ כֹּלall exhibit shame, 44:24 ׳י עשֶֹׁהכֹּֿל‎, Jeremiah 44:12 כֹל וְתַמּוּ‎ (unusual), Zephaniah 1:2; Psalm 8:7; 74:3 (read הֵרַע כֹּל‎), 145:15 כֹל עיני‎, Proverbs 16:4; 26:10; 28:5; Job 13:1 עיני ראתה כֹּל הן‎, 42:2; 1 Chronicles 29:11b 2 Chronicles 32:22 (masculine), Daniel 11:37 (see also

1c end); מִכֹּלGenesis 6:19-20,b מִכֹּל שְׁנַיִם‎, 14:20; 27:33; Jeremiah 17:9 מִכֹּל הלב עקוב‎, Daniel 11:2 (masculine) After a negative = anything, Deuteronomy 4:25 כֹּל תְּמוּנַת‎ the likeness of anything, 8:9; 28:55; Proverbs 30:30. In the Genitive also, very rarely, to express the idea of all as comprehensively as possible: Ezekiel 44:30 כֹּל וְכָלתְּֿרוּמַת כֹל כָּלבִּֿכּוּרֵי‎; Psalm 119:128 (si vera lectio) כֹל כָּלמִּֿקּוּדֵי‎ all the statutes about everthing.

b. with art. הַכֹּל‎: (a) where the sense is limited by the context to things (or persons) just mentioned, Exodus 29:24 אהרן ביד הַכֹּל ושׂמת‎, Leviticus 1:9 הַכֹּל את הכהן והקטיר‎, 1:13; 8:27; Deuteronomy 2:36 י נתן הַכֹּל ׳את לפנינו‎, Joshua 11:19 (compare 2 Samuel 19:31; 1 Kings 14:26 2 Chronicles 12:9), 2 Chron 21:43 בָּא הַכֹּל‎ (compare 23:14), 1 Samuel 30:19 דוד השׁיב הַכֹּל‎, 2 Samuel 17:3 (corrupt: see ᵐ5‎ Dr), 24:23 (1 Chronicles 21:23), 1 Kings 6:18 ארז הַכֹּל‎ (compare 7:33; 2 Kings 25:17 = Jeremiah 52:22), 2 Kings 24:16 גבורים הַכֹּל‎, Isaiah 65:8 הַכֹּל השׁחית לבלתי‎, Psalm 14:3; or implied, Genesis 16:12 בַכֹּל יָדוֺ‎, 24:1 בַּכֹּל אברהם את ברך2 Samuel 23:5 (poetry) בַכֹּל עֲרֻכָה‎, Isaiah 29:11 (peculiarly) הַכֹּל חָזוּת‎ the vision of the whole, Jeremiah 13:7, 10 לַכֹּל יצלח לא‎, Ezekiel 7:14 הַכֹּל וְהָכִין‎ (but Co הָכֵן וְהָכִינוּ‎), Psalm 49:18 הַכֹּל יקח במותו לא‎: more frequently later, namely 1 Chronicles 7:5 (as regards all), 28:19; 29:19; 2 Chronicles 28:6; 29:28; 31:5; 35:7; 36:17-18, Ezra 1:11; 2:42; 8:34-35, 10:17 (בַכֹּל וַיְכַלּוּ‎: see BeRy), Ecclesiastes 5:8 (בַּכֹּל‎, apparently = in all respects), 10:19; 12:13. (b) in a wider sense, all, whether of all mankind or of all living things, the universe (τὸ πᾶν), or of all the circumstances of life (chiefly late), Jeremiah 10:16 = 51:19 הוא הַכֹּל יוצר כי‎, Psalm 103:19 (compare 1 Chronicles 29:12), 1Chron 119:21 עֲבָדֶיךָ הַכֹּל‎, 1Chron 145:9 י ׳טוֺב לַכֹּל‎, 29:12, 14, 16; Daniel 11:2, and especially in Ecclesiastes, as Ecclesiastes 1:2, 14; 2:11, 17; 3:19; 12:8 הֶבֶל הַכֹּל‎, 2:16 נשׁכח הכל‎, 3:1 זְמָן לַכֹּל‎, 3:11; 3:19; 3:20; 6:6; 7:15; 9:1-2,(twice in verse); 9:3; 10:3, 19; 11:5. כַּכֹּל‎, Job 24:24 (si vera lectio) יִקָָּֽפְצוּן כַּכֹּל‎ like all men (i.e. like men in General).

כָּלֿ כֹּל,‎: noun masculine the whole, all (Biblical Hebrew כֹּל‎); — emphatic כֹּלָּאDaniel 2:40 +, construct כֹּל2:12; 3:2 +, כָּלֿ2:8 +, suffix 3 masculine plural כָּלְּהוֺן‎ (so Palmyrene Lzb296 CookeNo. 117, Tariff ii.c.19 ii b. 18) 2:38; 7:19 (Qr feminine כָּכְּהֵּן‎); —

1 בָבֶכ חַכִּימֵי כֹּלthe whole of ( = all) the wise men of B. Daniel 3:2-3, 5, etc.; 6:2 כלמֿלכותאthe whole ofthe kingdom, 6:4; with suffix the whole of them, 2:38; 7:19.

2 with a singular noun, understood collectively, every, any, or with a negative none (Biblical Hebrew 1b):Daniel 3:29 וְלִשָּׁן אֻמָּה כָלעַֿם דִּי‎ that every people, nation, and language, etc., 6:8 מִןכָּֿלאֱֿלָה‎ of any god, Ezra 6:12 וְעַם כָּלמֶֿלֶח‎; די אנשׁ כלevery man who = whoever, Daniel 3:10; 5:7; 6:13; Ezra 6:11; Daniel 2:10 לא ֗֗֗ מלך כל שׁאלno king hath asked . . ., 2:35; 4:6; 6:5; 6:24; so כָּלדִּֿי‎ (= Hebrew כָּלאְִֿשֶׁר‎) whoever 6:8; Ezra 7:26, whatever 7:23, בְּכָלדִּֿיwherever Daniel 2:38(compare אְִשֶׁר4b γ).

3 emphatic כֹּלָּא‎, used absolutely, as Hebrew הַכֹּל‎ (Biblical Hebrew 2b): Daniel 2:40 כֹּלָּא חָשֵׁל‎ crushing all things, 4:9; 4:18 לְכֹלָּאבֵֿהּ וּמָזוֺן‎ and food for all was in it, 4:25 מְטָא כֹּלָּאall came upon N. (compare בָּא חַכֹּלJoshua 21:43), Ezra 5:7 כֹלָּא שְׁלָמָאall peace (K§ 83 d;) compare in Hebrew כֻּלּוּ‎ etc., after their noun : Biblical Hebrew 1d a). — For כָּלקְָֿבֵל‎ see קְָבֵל‎.


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