5712. edah
Lexical Summary
edah: congregation
Original Word: עֵדָה
Transliteration: edah
Phonetic Spelling: (ay-daw')
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Short Definition: congregation
Meaning: a stated assemblage
Strong's Concordance
assembly, company, congregation, multitude, people, swarm

Feminine of ed in the original sense of fixture; a stated assemblage (specifically, a concourse, or generally, a family or crowd) -- assembly, company, congregation, multitude, people, swarm. Compare edah.

see HEBREW ed

see HEBREW edah


H5712. edah

עֵדָה140 noun feminine congregation (properly company assembled together by appointment, or acting concertedly) — ׳עNumbers 16:2 85t.; construct עֲדַתExodus 12:3 52t.; suffix עֲדָתִיJob 16:7 9t. suffixes; —

1 עֲדַתאֵֿלPsalm 82:1 congregation of El, of company of angels ׅ‎ "" אלהים (בקרב‎; ׳ע לְאֻמִּים7:8 congregation of peoples; ׳ע צַדִּיקִים1:5 congregation of the righteous; "" יְשָׁרִים סוֺד111:1; "" קהלProverbs 5:14; כָּלעֲֿדָתִיJob 16:7 (of Job's circle of dependents); in a bad sense, ׳ע מְרֵעִיםcompany of evil doers Psalm 22:17; ׳ע עריצים86:14; ׳ע חנףJob 15:34; ׳ע קֹרַחcompany of Korah Numbers 26:9; 27:3 (P), so עֲדָֽתְךָ עֲדָתוֺ,16:5-6, 11, 16; 17:5 (P), and הָעֵדָה26:10; 27:3 (P); ׳ע אֲבִירָםPsalm 106:17, compare 106:18.

2 of animals אַבִּירִים ׳עPsalm 68:31 (figurative of nobles); ׳ע דְּבֹרִיםJudges 14:8 a swarm of bees.

3 elsewhere of Israel Hosea 7:12 עֲדָתָם‎ i.e. the whole assemblage of them; 1 Kings 8:5 (= 2 Chronicles 5:6) ישׂ עדת ׳כל‎ of those gathered to Solomon; 2 Chron 12:20 העדה‎ of assembly at Shechem; Jeremiah 6:18 (text very dubious); עֲדָתוֺ30:20 of restored people; עֲדָֽתְךָPsalm 74:2 ("" נחלתך שׁבט‎); elsewhere in P, except possibly Numbers 20:11 (R), in technical sense, of the company of Israel of the Exodus, the congregation (115 t.), especially in the phrases ׳ע יהוה27:17; 31:16; Joshua 22:16-17, ׳ע ישׂראלExodus 12:3, 6, 19, 47; Leviticus 4:13; Numbers 16:9; 32:4; Joshua 22:18, 20; ׳ע ישׂראל בניExodus 16:1-2, 9, 10; 17:1; 35:1, 4, 20; Leviticus 16:5; 19:2 (H), Numbers 1:2, 53; 8:9, 20; 13:26; 14:5, 7; 15:25-26, 17:6; 19:9; 25:6; 27:20; 31:12; Joshua 18:1; 22:12; הָעֵדָהLeviticus 8:4 29t. (compare Judges 20:1; 21:10); ׳כלהֿעLeviticus 8:3 33t. (compare Judges 21:13); (ה)ע ׳נְשִׂיאֵיprinces of the congregation Exodus 16:22; Numbers 4:34; 16:2; 31:13; 32:2; Joshua 9:15, 18; 22:30; בָּע ׳כָּלהַֿנְּשִׂאִיםExodus 34:31; הע ׳זִקְנֵיelders of the congregation Leviticus 4:15 (compare Judges 21:16); ׳הע אבות ראשׁיNumbers 31:26.


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