4352. proskyneō
Lexical Summary
proskyneō: to do reverence to
Original Word: προσκυνέω
Transliteration: proskyneō
Phonetic Spelling: (pros-koo-neh'-o)
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to do reverence to
Meaning: to do reverence to
Strong's Concordance

From pros and a probable derivative of kuon (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore) -- worship.

see GREEK pros

see GREEK kuon

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 4352: προσκυνέω

προσκυνέω, προσκύνω; imperfect προσεκύνουν; future προσκυνήσω; 1 aorist προσεκύνησα; from Aeschylus and Herodotus down; the Sept. very often for הִשְׁתַּחֲוָה (to prostrate oneself); properly, to kiss the hand to (toward) one, in token of reverence: Herodotus 1, 134; (cf. K. F. Hermann, Gottesdienstl. Alterthümer d. Griech. § 21; especially Hoelemann, Die Biblical Gestalt. d. Anbetung in his 'Bibelstudien' i., 106ff); hence, among the Orientals, especially the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence ("to make a 'salam'"); Latinveneror (Nepos, Conon. 3, 3),adoro (Pliny, h. n. 28, 5, 25; Suetonius, Vitell. 2); hence, in the N. T. by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication. It is used a. of homage shown to men of superior rank: absolutely, Matthew 20:20 (the Jewish high-priests are spoken of in Josephus, b. j. 4, 5, 2 as προσκυνούμενοι); πεσών ἐπί τούς πόδας προσεκύνησεν, Acts 10:25; τίνι (according to the usage of later writings; cf. Winers Grammar, 36, 210 (197); (Buttmann, § 131, 4); Lob. ad Phryn., p. 463), Matthew 2:2, 8; Matthew 8:2; Matthew 9:18; Matthew 14:33; Matthew 15:25; (); (R G); Mark 5:6 (here WH Tr marginal reading have the accusative); ; John 9:38; with πεσών preceding, Matthew 2:11; Matthew 4:9; ἐνώπιον τῶν ποδῶν τίνος, Revelation 3:9; (it may perhaps be mentioned that some would bring in here Hebrews 11:21 προσεκύνησεν ἐπί τό ἄκρον τῆς ῤάβδου αὐτοῦ, explaining it by the (Egyptian) custom of bowing upon the magistrate's staff of office in taking an oath; cf. Chabas, Melanges Egypt. III. i., p. 80, cf. p. 91f; but see below).

b. of homage rendered to God and the ascended Christ, to heavenly beings, and to demons: absolutely (our to worship) (cf. Winer's Grammar, 593 (552)), John 4:20; John 12:20; Acts 8:27; Acts 24:11; Hebrews 11:21 (cf. above); Revelation 11:1; πίπτειν καί προσκυνεῖν, Revelation 5:14; τίνι, John 4:21, 23; Acts 7:43; Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 4:10; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 11:16; Revelation 14:7; Revelation 16:2; Revelation 19:4, 20; Revelation 22:8; Revelation 13:4 G L T Tr WH (twice (the 2nd time WH text only)); G T Tr WH text; Revelation 20:4 Rec.; πεσών ἐπί πρόσωπον προσκυνήσει τῷ Θεῷ, 1 Corinthians 14:25; πίπτειν ἐπί τά πρόσωπα καί προσκυνεῖν τῷ Θεῷ, Revelation 11:16; preceded by πίπτειν ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ποδῶν τίνος, Revelation 19:10. in accordance with the usage of the older and better writings with τινα or τί (cf. Matthiae, § 412): Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:8; Revelation 9:20; Revelation 13:12; Revelation 14:9, 11; also Revelation 13:4 (Rec. twice; (WH marginal reading once)), 8 (where Rec. dative), 15 R L WH marginal reading; 20:4a (where Rec. dative), 4b (where Relz dative); Luke 24:52 R G L Tr brackets WH reject; (the Sept. also connects the word far more frequent with the dative than with the accusative (cf. Hoelemann as above, p. 116ff)); ἐνώπιον τίνος, Luke 4:7; Revelation 15:4.


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