Psalm 58:6
O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths; O LORD, tear out the fangs of the lions.
Cross References
Job 4:10
The lion may roar, and the fierce lion may growl, yet the teeth of the young lions are broken.

Psalm 3:7
Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.

Psalm 57:4
My soul is among the lions; I lie down with ravenous beasts--with men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords.

Lamentations 3:16
He has ground my teeth with gravel and trampled me in the dust.

Treasury of Scripture
Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.

Break their

Psalm 3:7
Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.

Psalm 10:15
Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none.

Job 4:10,11
The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young lions, are broken…


Psalm 17:12
Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.

Psalm 91:13
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Numbers 23:24
Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.


Psalm 58:5
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