Proverbs 8:19
My fruit is better than gold, pure gold, and my harvest surpasses choice silver.
Cross References
Job 28:15
It cannot be bought with gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver.

Job 28:19
Topaz from Cush cannot compare to it, nor can it be valued in pure gold.

Proverbs 3:14
for she is more profitable than silver, and her gain is better than fine gold.

Proverbs 8:10
Receive my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than pure gold.

Proverbs 8:20
I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice,

Proverbs 10:20
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked has little worth.

Proverbs 16:16
How much better to acquire wisdom than gold! To gain understanding is more desirable than silver.

Treasury of Scripture
My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.

Proverbs 8:10
Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.

Proverbs 3:14
For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

Ecclesiastes 7:12
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.


Proverbs 8:18
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