Proverbs 19:23
The fear of the LORD leads to life, that one may rest content, without visitation from harm.
Cross References
1 Timothy 4:8
For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for the present life and for the one to come.

Psalm 25:13
His soul will dwell in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land.

Psalm 91:10
no evil will befall you, no plague will approach your tent.

Proverbs 11:19
Genuine righteousness leads to life, but the pursuit of evil brings death.

Proverbs 12:21
No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble.

Proverbs 14:26
He who fears the LORD is secure in confidence, and his children shall have a place of refuge.

Proverbs 14:27
The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.

Proverbs 19:22
The desire of a man is loving devotion; better to be poor than a liar.

Treasury of Scripture
The fear of the LORD tends to life: and he that has it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.


Proverbs 10:27
The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

Proverbs 14:26,27
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge…

Psalm 19:9
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

shalt abide

Psalm 90:14
O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

Psalm 91:16
With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Isaiah 58:10,11
And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: …

he shall

Proverbs 12:21
There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

2 Timothy 4:18
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


Proverbs 19:22
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