Judges 4:22
When Barak arrived in pursuit of Sisera, Jael went out to greet him and said to him, "Come, and I will show you the man you are seeking." So he went in with her, and there lay Sisera dead, with a tent peg through his temple.
Cross References
Judges 4:21
But as he lay sleeping from exhaustion, Heber's wife Jael took a tent peg, grabbed a hammer, and went silently to Sisera. She drove the peg through his temple and into the ground, and he died.

Judges 4:23
On that day God subdued Jabin king of Canaan before the Israelites.

Treasury of Scripture
And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said to him, Come, and I will show you the man whom you seek. And when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and the nail was in his temples.

and I will

2 Samuel 17:3,10-15
And I will bring back all the people unto thee: the man whom thou seekest is as if all returned: so all the people shall be in peace…


Judges 4:21
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