Isaiah 36:22
Then Hilkiah's son Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the scribe, and Asaph's son Joah the recorder came to Hezekiah with their clothes torn, and they relayed to him the words of the Rabshakeh.
Cross References
2 Kings 18:18
Then they called for the king; and Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebnah the scribe, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder, went out to them.

Isaiah 22:15
This is what the Lord GOD of Hosts says: "Go, say to Shebna, the steward in charge of the palace:

Isaiah 22:20
On that day I will summon My servant, Eliakim son of Hilkiah.

Isaiah 36:3
Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the scribe, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder, went out to him.

Jeremiah 36:24
Yet in hearing all these words, the king and his servants did not become frightened or tear their garments.

Treasury of Scripture
Then came Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, that was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph, the recorder, to Hezekiah with their clothes rent, and told him the words of Rabshakeh.


Isaiah 36:3,11
Then came forth unto him Eliakim, Hilkiah's son, which was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah, Asaph's son, the recorder…

with their

Isaiah 33:7
Behold, their valiant ones shall cry without: the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly.

Isaiah 37:1,2
And it came to pass, when king Hezekiah heard it, that he rent his clothes, and covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of the LORD…

2 Kings 5:7
And it came to pass, when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his clothes, and said, Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me.


Isaiah 36:21
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