Exodus 25:36
The buds and branches are to be all of one piece with the lampstand, hammered out of pure gold.
Cross References
Exodus 25:31
Then you are to make a lampstand of pure, hammered gold. It shall be made of one piece, including its base and shaft, its cups, and its buds and petals.

Exodus 37:22
The buds and branches were all of one piece with the lampstand, hammered out of pure gold.

Treasury of Scripture
Their knops and their branches shall be of the same: all it shall be one beaten work of pure gold.


Exodus 25:18
And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.

Numbers 8:4
And this work of the candlestick was of beaten gold, unto the shaft thereof, unto the flowers thereof, was beaten work: according unto the pattern which the LORD had shewed Moses, so he made the candlestick.

1 Kings 10:16,17
And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold: six hundred shekels of gold went to one target…


Exodus 25:35
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