2 Samuel 13:9
Then she brought the pan and set it down before him, but he refused to eat. "Send everyone away!" said Amnon. And everyone went out.
Cross References
Genesis 45:1
Then Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, "Send everyone away from me!" So none of them were with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers.

2 Samuel 13:8
So Tamar went to the house of her brother Amnon, who was lying down. She took some dough, kneaded it, made cakes in his sight, and baked them.

2 Samuel 13:10
Then Amnon said to Tamar, "Bring the food into the bedroom, so that I may eat it from your hand." Tamar took the cakes she had made and went to her brother Amnon's bedroom.

Treasury of Scripture
And she took a pan, and poured them out before him; but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Have out all men from me. And they went out every man from him.

And Ammon

Genesis 45:1
Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.

Judges 3:19
But he himself turned again from the quarries that were by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out from him.

John 3:20
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.


2 Samuel 13:8
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