2 Kings 4:24
Then she saddled the donkey and told her servant, "Drive onward; do not slow the pace for me unless I tell you."
Cross References
Genesis 22:3
So Abraham got up early the next morning, saddled his donkey, and took along two of his servants and his son Isaac. He split the wood for a burnt offering and set out for the place God had designated.

2 Kings 4:23
"Why would you go to him today?" he replied. "It is not a New Moon or a Sabbath." "Everything is all right," she said.

2 Kings 4:25
So she set out and went to the man of God at Mount Carmel. When the man of God saw her at a distance, he said to his servant Gehazi, "Look, there is the Shunammite woman.

Treasury of Scripture
Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not your riding for me, except I bid you.

Then she

Exodus 4:20
And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.

1 Samuel 25:20
And it was so, as she rode on the ass, that she came down by the covert of the hill, and, behold, David and his men came down against her; and she met them.

1 Kings 13:13,23
And he said unto his sons, Saddle me the ass. So they saddled him the ass: and he rode thereon, …


1 Samuel 25:19
And she said unto her servants, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.


2 Kings 4:23
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